Best of the pod! Escaping cultural expectations, with Mohita Solanki, an Indian in Australia (repost)

Best of the pod! Escaping cultural expectations, with Mohita Solanki, an Indian in Australia (repost)

Patriarchy, pronatalism, the pressure to have children - this badass has left it all behind.
Mohita Solanki was born in India, where pronatalism is everywhere. Her parents hoped their daughters would have children one day, but also insisted they get an education - and it’s this education that Mohita credits with opening her eyes to different options, other ways of living. Determined to live the life they wanted, Mohita and her husband left for Melbourne, Australia, where she works as a data analyst and runs a meetup group for 80 childfree women. We had a super eye-opening chat about her home culture, how patriarchy is all around us - in every country, even in our heads - and her hopes for the next generation.

If you're in Melbourne, you can join Mohita's group for childfree women here.

This episode is from the best of season 1 of We are Childfree. Sign up to the newsletter to be first to find out when season 2 launches 👉
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