Finding Acceptance, with Anna Brooke
A high school teacher's journey from circumstance to choice proves there are so many ways to be childfree.
Anna Brooke was born with a health issue which means that pregnancy and childbirth could be very dangerous for both herself and the child. Over time, she came to accept that she wouldn’t be able to have biological kids of her own. So instead of becoming a mother to the teen daughter she used to write to in her diary, Anna now works as a high school teacher. She’s showing her students that there are other ways to live. I’m so happy to be able to complicate the narrative around people without children, and super grateful to Anna for being so open, honest and vulnerable about her childfree journey.
Check out Anna’s artwork here.
The books we discussed in this episode: Regretting Motherhood by Orna Donath, Selfish, Shallow and Self-Absorbed: Sixteen Writers On The Decision Not To Have Kids, edited by Meghan Daum, and The Nine Lives of Rose Napolitano by Donna Freitas (who’s been on the We are Childfree podcast!)
The books we discussed in this episode: Regretting Motherhood by Orna Donath, Selfish, Shallow and Self-Absorbed: Sixteen Writers On The Decision Not To Have Kids, edited by Meghan Daum, and The Nine Lives of Rose Napolitano by Donna Freitas (who’s been on the We are Childfree podcast!)
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