"Normal" doesn't exist, with non-binary, neurodivergent Daze

"Normal" doesn't exist, with non-binary, neurodivergent Daze

When they left their tiny religious community, they found the language to describe how they feel: non-binary, autistic, childfree.
Daze used to think they had two options: become a homeschool mother on a farm in the valley where they grew up, or become a nun. Instead, they left their tiny fundamentalist Catholic community and went to college, where they learned about the outside world and their inner self. In recent years, Daze has found the language to describe who they really are: non-binary, autistic and childfree. It was fascinating to hear about how undiagnosed mental illness runs through Daze's family, how their own neurodivergence helped persuade a doctor to perform a tubal ligation, and to share our frustration at the state of the world, and the things we hope will change.

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