Taking the road less-travelled, with 65-year-old clinical psychologist Shelley
This second-wave feminist has been lighting our way since the 70s!
Shelley is a clinical psychologist and second-wave feminist who's been fighting for our rights since the 70s. She was an early beneficiary of Roe vs Wade, which legalised abortion in the US, and chose to be sterilised at 21. Now that she's 65, it was a pleasure to look back with her over an action-packed life, to see how far we've come in the struggle for gender equality and bodily autonomy... and why we're still fighting! Shelley was the perfect person to speak to about the question of whether to have kids or not, as she's helped many women think through their options, and her example lights the way for anyone interested in taking the road less-travelled. If you're curious about the childfree choice, this one's packed full of advice and insights that could help your decision. And if you've made up your mind, this episode will give you an absolute icon to look up to!
We are Childfree was just named Childfree Group of the Year!
We are Childfree was just named Childfree Group of the Year!
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