The personal is political, with Chinese feminist Siyu

The personal is political, with Chinese feminist Siyu

What if your choice to have children, or not, was a matter of state concern?
Siyu is an only child of China's one-child policy, born in a very traditional part of the country. Yet, her parents never pushed her towards motherhood, and she's been able to lead a modern, international life, staying in three countries and six cities in the last five years. As the host of a Mandarin feminist podcast, Siyu was the perfect person to speak to about how her country is now trying to boost falling birth rates by allowing couples to have three children, and the expectations for women there. It's fascinating how such a personal decision has taken on political and social implications far beyond individual families.

Read about China's new three-child policy on Wikipedia, its implications for women's rights in the Washington Post, and other factors that could hamper population growth on Al Jazeera.

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