We're just humans with hormones, with Emma Hollen

We're just humans with hormones, with Emma Hollen

What's more responsible than getting a tubal ligation because you know you don't have what it takes to be a good mother?
I invited Emma Hollen onto the pod because of a super-entertaining Twitter thread about her struggle to get a tubal ligation, and her eventual success, at age 30. As a pansexual, non-binary person, Emma doesn't feel that she fits the narrow definition of "woman" that society would force her into. And, as a science journalist, she taught me a lot about the diversity of the natural world, our place in the universe, and our chemical urge to procreate - which is distinct and different from some people's desire to have and raise a child. 

Read the Twitter thread that tells the story of Emma's sterilisation... with GIFs!

Listen to the podcast episode Emma referred to, No doubts, with journalist Sarah Chebaro.
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